April 6th
2 PM EST/11:00 AM PST
Have you been looking at other advisor's homepages and thinking you might need to step up your game a little? Let's use this hour to make some doable changes!
Here's what we'll discuss:
Targeting your ideal client.
Creating homepage content that differentiates you.
Finding images that tell a story.
Placing CTAs so clients can contact you.
Other ways to maximize your homepage real estate.
Again, space is limited so sign up to secure your spot!
April 13th
2 PM EST/11:00 AM PST
In the financial world, whitepaper content just doesn't cut it anymore. Yes, you can use it to "fill in the blanks" a little, but what people REALLY want is to hear from YOU and know what you think.
This 1-hour workshop will cover the following:
How to easily create custom content.
The steps to getting compliance approval.
A creative workaround to posting and sharing marketing videos (that doesn't involve Vimeo or YouTube!)
When you walk away from this workshop you will have one custom piece that you can use however you wish.
April 27th
2 PM EST/11:00 AM PST
During this 1-hour workshop you'll...
Learn out to create a cover image to make your profile more eye catching.
Work on your headline so you'll stand out.
Tips for updating your work experience in a way that makes sense.
Learn other tricks to help send more people to your website through your profile where they'll learn more about you.
This is very much a workshop - we will be working together, getting feedback from each other and by the end of the hour, you'll have an updated LinkedIn Profile that you'll be proud of. If this has been something you KNOW you need to do, use this hour to get it done!