Pay Attention: Why Your Target Audience Might Be Tuning You Out.
it was as I was sitting in gridlock traffic when I heard Zeynep Tufekci talk about something that should be on your radar as a business owne

Improve Your Google Ranking: 5 Tips for a Good User Experience
When it comes to marketing, the power is in the hands of the consumer. We now have the ability to skip commercials, click on that little X i

Boundaries in Business: I don't wanna wear that hot dog costume
I have a problem saying no. I don't know if it's because I'm a woman, I'm a business owner, I was raised by southern parents

I've been at this for months. What's going on with my SEO?
Whew. 'Tis the season for SEO questions. I totally get it - for some of my "newer" clients, I've been working with them si

Mid-Life Peer Pressure
Who we allow to influence us doesn’t stop when we graduate from high school. It doesn’t end when we accept our college diploma. Even after w

Ever feel frustrated that enormous success isn't happening RIGHT NOW? We've all been through that! But sometimes instant gratificati

If You Can't Answer These Questions, Don't Ask Me About Your ROI
I've always found ROI a little illusive in my industry - that of a marketing professional who works with service providers. Many times m

SEE A NEED, FILL A NEED: Finding the WHY in your business
In my mind, a successful business is built by someone who wants to serve others. Yes, you need to have some “business-y” things attached. It

A Q&A With Andrea Keatts with AMBK Research: Financial Content Writing Services
Are you looking for an amazing financial content writer? Click here to find out more about Andrea Keatts and how she might help your content

Honesty Sells: How authenticity can build your business
Embracing vulnerability can be the most healthy thing you could possibly do for yourself - and allowing vulnerability into your business cou